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王朝大酒店 (Sunworld Dynasty Hotel Taipei) - 座落在南京東路與敦化北路交會口即敦化北路100號,坐擁台北市商業金融中心,鄰近皆為本地及國外投資之金融機構。居台北都會經濟金融樞紐位置,周邊交通四通八達,又鄰近松山國內機場,為提供顧客更完善的設備、更完美的服務,許多年來一直是許多觀光及商務旅客最喜愛的國際觀光飯店。 應運而生的王朝大酒店擁有730間的客房,其飯店結構地下三層,地面十六樓,富麗堂皇的現代建築物及宏偉寬敞的大門,可讓車輛直接駛入,地下三樓可容納 900 輛車子停放出入。目前十二樓及十四樓規劃為行政樓層及貴賓會所,供貴賓及主管級之顧客使用,所有住宿行政樓層客房的房客均享有免費使用專屬交誼廳、快捷的住/退房服務、私人保險櫃、寬頻上網等特殊禮遇。剛裝修完成的十樓及十一樓的商務客房,房間內寬敞舒適,具現代歐風時尚感。 2007年王朝大酒店正式加入WORLDHOTELS訂房系統,消費者和旅行社業者均可上網挑選來自全球各地高達500間的飯店酒店選擇,輕鬆訂房之餘亦可由自己掌握飯店房型及適合個人的優惠價。          
(一)緣起 『新竹科學園區竹南基地』將帶動高達新台幣5,000億元以上的產值,估計將近23,000專業人士與廠商進駐於此,而目前竹南地區尚無專為此而設立之商務旅館,經評估後,搶先於今年(2007年)投資建立『竹南中信飯店』,工程預計於2009年初完工並試行營運。 (二)位置 為了『新竹科學園區竹南基地』而設立之商務旅館,故交通為首要規劃之條件。飯店基地位於竹南、 頭份市區交接商業用地區段,鄰近中山高速公路、第二高速公路、台一線、西濱快速道路等以及鐵路 系統,南北聯外交通路網完善便利。 且飯店基地面對『竹南運動公園』環境優美、休憩腹地廣大,可提供長期居住於此之商務人士平時休閒 之處所。 (三)定位 針對『新竹科學園區竹南基地』而設立的『竹南中信大飯店』,主要客源即以新竹科學園區竹南基地相 關之商務客為主。因此飯店設施也針對商務功能而設計,整體規劃為地下二樓,地上八樓之商務旅館。 (四)建築風格 - 城堡式建築造型 文藝復興意味著平衡、適中、莊重、理性與邏輯;而巴洛克卻意味著運動、追求新奇、熱中於無窮、不安和對比、以及各種藝術形式的大膽融合。飯店建築融合兩種看似衝突的風格元素,創造出令人感到意外的、如戲劇般的效果。
1994 Amotech was founded in Korea 1995 Established “Kimpo” factory in Korea 1996 Selected as a “Bright future company” by Ministry of IC department 1998 Established “Incheon” factory in Korea 2000 Acquired ISO9000 2002 “Korea Technology Best Fast 50” by National Credit Evaluation 2003 Selected as a “National Research Laboratory” by Ministry of Science 2003 Established Sandong Amotech China factory 2003 IPO on KOSDAQ 2004 Acquired TS16949 Certification 2005 Technology 500 Asia Pacific Award by Deloitte, Acquired ISO14001 2006 Registered Independent Sales office in Shanghai, China California USA 2007 Established Qingdao Factory in China 2008 Established Chunan Pyungtaek Factory in Korea
Emphasis on Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore and Malaysia, Asia Talents Consultants, a premier provider of executive search solutions, was founded to build a powerful linkage with its clients and devise solutions to make good ‘People’ decisions. Our mission is strengthened to enhance corporate performance with our core values that we insist. Asia Talents believe in one’s integrity, loyalty and gratitude and give prominence to our clients.
Looking for Sales Assistant. CNE Direct, Inc. --- We are a successful, fast-growing American distribution company, focused on buying selling Computer Components. Our company is headquartered in USA, with sales offices in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mainland China, Korea, and India. We are looking for motivated young people to join our Taipei office. We provide international business training. Past experience a basic understanding of computers is helpful, but not required. A successful Sales Assistant will eventually be promoted to Sales or Purchasing. An ideal candidate will exhibit a strong hunger for success, and will also show a history of leadership in work, school, or extra-curricular activities. Mandarin Chinese + English reading/writing/speaking is mandatory.
帝城大酒店座落在天津金融商业及行政中心区,为四星级标准的商务精品酒店。 酒店有106套舒适的客房及套房,欧陆设计配备,意大利进口家具;套房配有厨房,犹如置身家中悠闲方便。 帝城大酒店配套多家精致美食餐厅,有被《纽约时报》评为全球十大餐厅的“鼎泰丰”;正宗台湾家乡口味“香厨园台式料理”、“御意•传”传统日本料理、“季诺意式休闲餐厅”,汇丰银行等,使商务活动逾加便捷。 帝城大酒店全体员工以诚恳、亲切的优质服务提供给尊贵的宾客,并期待着您的加入!
我們是韓國精品服飾門市.目前有2家營業店.位於台南市永華店和民生店..我們有固定的高消費客群..有良 好的工作待遇.只要對消售有經驗和興趣者.和百貨經驗者.請歡迎加入我們的行列...
Ernst Rudolf Erni founded the company in Switzerland in 1947. In 1956, ERNI began manufacturing electromechanical components in Adelberg, Germany. In 1968, ERNI Electronics GmbH became the world’s first manufacturer of backplane connectors that complied with the new standard DIN 41612. The new standard DIN 41612 has evolved into the most widely accepted standard for industrial printed-circuit board connectors in the world. Today, ERNI is the leading supplier of 2mm HM connectors and HM-ZD high-speed connectors. ERNI has established its Asian headquarter in Singapore since 1996 and opened up sales offices in major cities like Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Taipei, Seoul and Bangalore. 1999 - Set up Taiwan Representative Office 2000 - Set up Korea Representative Office 2001 - ERNI started third party manufacturing in China & Taiwan 2002 - Set up Shenzhen Representative Office 2003 - Set up Shanghai Representative Office 2004 - Set up Beijing & Japan Representative Office; Increase design in capabilities & capacities 2007 - Set up India Representative Office 2009 - Set up Thailand Representative Office
GBS started as a trading company in 2003 to serve the semiconductor market in Singapore. Its earlier products were mainly precision machined parts from Korea which were fast becoming a commodity as the industry matured. In order to remain relevant in the marketplace, a better definition was made to our business strategy. Our goal is to create sustainable and differentiated value propositions to our customers by leveraging on our Partners’ core competencies, our network and developing local expertise in supporting the defined products and services. In line with the business strategy in moving up the value chain, we have set up a Heater Pedestal refurb facility in Singapore in 2009 under a licensing agreement with our US’s technology partner, Aceco Precision Manufacturing – a 5 times Intel (2005-2009) PQS Award winner. As part of our growth strategies; growing beyond Singapore and Semiconductor. An associated company, GBS (Taiwan) was incorporated in Hsinchu in 2009 to serve our customers in Taiwan and China. Leveraging on our Partners’ technologies meant for semiconductor manufacturing, new applications were developed in new market segments such in the Defense, LED and Solar manufacturing.
韓國進口回台銷售,以精品的理念經營,不參貨,無過季 瑕疵品,熨燙整理過再交到客人手中,讓沒時間帶貨理貨的商家輕鬆收件,目前網路製作中,完成後每個月都有不同時下商品刊登,附上當地發票或收據,絕無灌水,歡迎商家委託!!!
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